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Thousands of amazing nonprofits and schools are on GiveMN.org, Minnesota’s front door for generosity.

Give to the Max Day resources for nonprofits & schools

We're celebrating the 15th anniversary of Minnesota's giving holiday on Thursday, November 16 with more than 6,000 nonprofits and schools all across our state, and we hope your organization will join! If you'd like to take part as an organization, get started by checking out our organization resources toolkit to learn more about GTMD23, registration, prize grants, graphics, templates, and much more!

Give to the Max Early Giving begins in:



Minnesota is one of the most generous states in the nation, and that’s why GiveMN works to help connect generous donors like you with nonprofits and schools working to make our state a better place. We don’t want to simply reslice the giving pie — we want to grow it.



With thousands of nonprofits and schools across Minnesota, you’re sure to find one (or dozens) to support. Search for your favorite organizations, make a one-time or recurring gift, and learn more about how you can make a difference.

You don’t need a box of candy bars or special training to be a fundraiser for your favorite cause. Tell your story on your own unique fundraising page, then ask your friends and family to help you meet your goal.

The GiveMN team is small but mighty and committed to growing giving in Minnesota every day.

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Minnesota’s nonprofits strengthen communities thanks in large part to the generosity of people like you. Although nearly all nonprofits are now accepting donations online, nearly 70% said they are not confident that their fundraising strategy will allow them to sustain their important work.

RaiseMN is our program designed to meet those needs. Founded in 2016, RaiseMN is designed to help nonprofits move beyond simply accepting donations and build lasting fundraising strategy and infrastructure. Learn more at RaiseMN.org.

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